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"180 Spiral Notebook/Manual Covers"More and more people are getting into internet marketing and releasing their own downloadable products. But a lot of these people do NOT have the money to hire a professional graphic designer to design eCovers for their products. "180 Spiral Notebook/Manual Covers" consists of the most crisp, polished and professional eCover templates available today. (Valued at $47.00)
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The Complete HTML Teacher
The basics of HTML are fairly simple to learn. Just by knowing the basic tags, you can design an entire website.
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How to personalize goals to make them more achievable New Beginnings offers a step-by-step guide to turning resolutions into action-oriented steps that make achieving financial success in 2010 a reality. The New Beginnings eBook can be downloaded for free by visiting http://Resolutions.MoneyManagement.org.
AdGridWork is an open web advertising network that lets anyone promote their websites for free. The idea is quite simple, you show network ads on your website and in return get free exposure on other AdGridWork websites
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Website Launched for Sharing Free Online Announcements -- Amigram.com is a free website for sharing fun, funny and special announcements INCLUDING BUSINESS and any other news people want to share. Amigram fills the gap between a mass email and print announcement; and provides a way to reach non-Facebook (and Facebook) friends.
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Users create an online announcement which can include special messages, photos, Youtube videos, links to other websites, gift registries, and opportunities for visitors to post comments..
Users choose whether they want to send the announcement to family and friends, post it on Amigram.com, or both.
Hi Carla...
If you missed my email over the weekend, I have
some very big news for you! Starting later today (Monday),
I'll be able to send you free publicity leads every business day.
We're starting a new totally free service called"Reporter Connection" which will tell you about topics for which journalists and producers are actively seeking experts to interview. Join now for free so you'll know when the mediais doing a story on your topic and looking for someone just like you.http://www.ReporterConnection.com/JoinNow/?11093
Remember, the easiest time to get publicity is when the media has already decided they're going to cover your particular subject. You may have heard how I used this principle to get my own products featured on the front page of Investors Business Daily and Entrepreneur magazine. It was very easy because in both cases, the writers had already decided to do a story on the topic, which was how to get TV publicity, and actively seeking qualified experts they could interview. Again, go here now so I can start sending media leads: http://www.ReporterConnection.com/JoinNow/?11093
We're intentionally launching this at a slow timeof year in beta mode so come 2010, we'll have ourprocesses fully refined and be able to help youget more media coverage than ever.
All the best,Steve Harrison
Bradley Communications Corp.
390 Reed Road, First FloorPO Box 360Broomall, PA 19008484-477-4235 (Cust. Serv. Voicemail)11093http://www.MillionDollarAuthorClub.com/?11093http://www.ReporterConnection.com/JoinNow/?11093
ClickTale is a great web-based program that allows you to actually watch what visitors do when they come to your website. This is very valuable information, allowing you to know for sure what they liked and what they skipped on your page. ClickTale even offers heat maps to show you exactly what is hot and what is not on your page. I recommend you sign up for the free service and then, depending on the complexity of your needs, you can move on over to some of the more sophisticated subscription packages. Follow this link to check them out.
Like to make your own videos without getting into production? All you need is 10 pictures and you can make little 30 second videos with them. You can add their soundtracks and upload to youtube. All for free.
Online photo showcasing software which analyzes your images and music to create a unique, custom video presentation follow the link....Animoto